UIL Journalism Judges
If you have corrections, questions or comments regarding this information,
please notify The UIL Journalism department at aboehringer@uiltexas.org or 512-471-5883.
Click on a judge's name for more information. For geographic area codes, refer to this map:
Name | Geographic availability |
Contact Information |
Abernathy, Shannon | 6 7 8 12 | email: shayabernathy23@gmail.com email: shannon.abernathy@centralhts.net phone: 903 8066900 phone: 936 5523475 |
Adams, Darcy | 9 10 11 12 | email: dla0716@yahoo.com email: darcy.adams@southlakecarroll.edu phone: 817 7133166 phone: 817 9495436 |
Allen, Brooke | 10, 11 | email: allenl@friscoisd.org phone: 469 633-5400 |
Amrhein, Barb | 9 14 16 17 | email: baamrhe@aol.com phone: 806 5574346 |
Babineaux, Carole | 7 8 10 11 | email: cboxbab@gmail.com phone: 469 6674169 |
Bailey, Rylee | 6 10 11 12 13 | email: rbbailey@smu.edu email: rbbailey@smu.edu phone: 214 2050341 |
Baker, Steve | 10, 11 | email: Cronkite2@iCloud.com phone: 817 994-2941 phone: 817 994-2941 |
Baker, Steve | 7 10 11 12 | email: imagephoto@hotmail.com email: sbaker@desotoisd.org phone: 817 9942941 phone: 817 9942941 phone: 972 2300726 |
Baker, Steve | 7 8 9 10 11 | email: imagephoto@homail.com phone: 817 9942941 phone: 817 994-294 |
Bardwell, Alyssa | 1 | email: alyssa.bardwell@sanisidroisd.org email: alyssa.bardwell@sanisidroisd.org phone: 956 5003762 phone: 956 5003762 |
Bardwell, Suzanne | 7 8 10 12 | email: SuzanneBardwell@aol.com phone: 903 2358544 phone: 903 2970995 phone: 903 8452235 |
Barker, Shelley | 18 | email: Shelleyobarker@gmail.com email: Shelley.barker@ectorcountyisd.org phone: 432 9346055 |
Barrett, Anna | 9 10 11 12 13 | email: abarrett@harmonytx.org email: abarrett@harmonytx.org phone: 817 9994865 phone: 817 3865505 |
Bates, Joyce Janelle | 10 | phone: 972 273-0553 |
Bates, Amy | 6 7 8 10 12 | email: abates1988@gmail.com email: abates@kisd.org phone: 903 9180858 phone: 903 9180858 phone: 903 9883901 |
Beavers, Jamie | 12 | email: jamie.beavers@MidwayISD.org phone: 254 855-0819 phone: 254 761-5650 |
Bennett, Rebecca | 13 | email: rebecca.bennett@ymail.com email: rebecca.bennett@ymail.com phone: 512 9646653 |
Berry, Cindy | 9 10 11 12 | email: joeandcindy5@gmail.com email: cberry@slidellisd.net phone: 940 3939909 |
Beynon, Christy | 9 11 12 | email: weatherford.toact@gmail.com email: cbeynon@garnerisd.net phone: 940 4520490 phone: 940 6824251 |
Billnitzer, Philip | 20 | email: billnitzer@hotmail.com email: billnitzer@hotmail.com phone: 210 2557478 |
Billnitzer, Philip | 1 2 3 4 | email: billnitzer@hotmail.com email: billnitzer@hotmail.com phone: 210 2557478 |
Blackmon, Shelbi | 4 6 13 | email: Shelbimarie05@gmail.com phone: 832 3165042 |
Blalock, Amy | 7 | email: principalamyallen@gmail.com email: principalamyallen@gmail.com phone: 903 9187182 |
Bohmfalk, Karen | 7 9 10 11 12 14 | email: karenbohmfalk@gmail.com phone: 940 2103181 |
Boyett, Kassidy | 4 5 6 | email: kassidyboyett27@gmail.com phone: 409 9375318 |
Boyle, Sara | 3 4 5 6 7 12 13 | email: saraboyle95@gmail.com email: sara.boyle@springbranchisd.com phone: 713 7243307 |
Brammer, Elizabeth | 1 2 3 13 20 | email: elizabeth.teacher4@gmail.com phone: 361 7265822 phone: 361 7265822 |
Britten, Tracy | 16 17 18 | email: tjbritten3240@gmail.com email: tjbritten3240@gmail.com phone: 806 5849404 |
Brock, Michelle | 1 2 3 4 13 20 | email: smbrock2077@gmail.com email: lseibert@acisd.org phone: 940 2068257 |
Brock, Michelle | 2 3 4 11 12 13 | email: smbrock2077@gmail.com email: lbrock@rfisd.us phone: 940 2068257 |
Brown, Natalie | 10, 11 | email: Natalie.brown@southlakecarroll.edu phone: 817 744-2100 |
Brown, Natalie | 9 10 11 12 14 | email: nataliehbrown@gmail.com email: natalie,brown@southlakecarroll.edu phone: 972 8228079 |
Cantu, Sasha | 7 | email: scantu@lisd.org phone: 903 9410652 |
Carr, Daniel | 9 10 | email: dcarr2@dentonisd.org phone: 972 3477746 |
Carrell, Bonnie-Claire | 3 4 6 12 13 14 15 20 | email: bonnie.claire.duren@gmail.com |
Cavazos, Elsa | 1 | email: elza.cavazos@hotmail.com phone: 956 5699448 phone: 956 5699448 phone: 956 5699448 |
Chambers, Deanna (Dee Dee) | 2 3 13 20 | email: deanna.chambers58@gmail.com phone: 210 573-866 |
Chavez, Alyssa | 4 6 12 | email: chavezalyssa11@gmail.com email: chavezalyssa11@gmail.com phone: 254 4953595 phone: 254 4953595 |
Chumley, Jill | 4 5 6 | email: bjillchumley@gmail.com phone: 281 6821116 phone: 281 6821116 |
Collins, Jean Ann | 7, 10, 12 | email: mommio2@aol.com email: jcollins@princetonisd.net phone: 214 725-0489 |
Cornes, Alanna | 5 6 | email: acornes@wildblue.net email: amcornes@kirbyvillecisd.org phone: 409 5949408 phone: 409 5949408 phone: 409 4237500 |
Cox, Carol | 9, 10, 11 | email: ccox@archercityisd.net phone: 940 733-0727 |
cummons, janice | 4 | email: janice.cummons@me.com email: janice.cummons@springbranchisd.com phone: 281 8139444 phone: 281 8139444 phone: 281 8139444 |
Davies, Florence | 4 6 | email: fsdavies@gmail.com email: fsdavies08@tamu.edu phone: 281 6583627 |
Davis, Christine | 10 | email: christinedavis@hebisd.edu phone: 817 360-5780 |
Davis, Becky | 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 20 | email: beckydavis332@gmail.com email: bdavis@hisd.com phone: 903 6319668 phone: 903 6319668 phone: 903 6685990 |
Davis, Becky | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 | email: bdavis@hisd.com email: bdavis@hisd.com phone: 903 6319668 phone: 903 6319668 phone: 903 6319668 |
Dearinger, Rachel | 10 11 12 | email: dearinger@therideronline.com email: racheldearinger@misdmail.org phone: 682 3140650 |
Dennis, Laura | 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 | email: ldennis@oaoa.com email: ldennis@oaoa.com phone: 432 6613253 phone: 432 6613253 phone: 432 3337740 |
Duncan, Susan | 6 7 8 10 12 | email: duncan0237@gmail.com email: sduncan@sabineisd.org phone: 7368268 phone: 903 9848587 |
Duncan, Susan | 5 6 7 8 12 | email: duncan0237@gmail.com email: sduncan@sabineisd.org phone: 903 9848587 phone: 903 7368268 phone: 903 9848587 |
Duncan, Skye | 7 8 10 | email: skye.duncan15@gmail.com email: duncans@sabineisd.org |
Dunn, Tonya | 9 14 16 17 | email: tonyakdunn@gmail.com email: tdunn@postisd.net phone: 806 7732564 phone: 806 4952770 |
Dyer, Paige | 5, 7, 8 and 10 | email: Dyerp@whitehouseisd.org phone: 903 520-9868 phone: 903 839-5551 |
Elbert, Justin | 4 | email: jelbert2@kleinisd.net phone: 832 249-4777 |
Elkins, Sharon Purtle | 7 8 10 | email: sepurtle@gmail.com email: sepurtle@gmail.com phone: 903 2446535 |
Ferguson, Kimberly | 5 6 7 10 12 | email: ferguson.kimberly12@gmail.com phone: 903 6901526 |
Ferris, Misty | 10 11 | email: mistyferris@misdmail.org email: mistyferris@att.net |
FERRIS, MISTY | 12 | email: mistyferris@misdmail.org email: mistyferris@misdmail.org phone: 682 2980678 |
Fitzpatrick, Tiffany | 3 4 6 | email: msfitztx@gmail.com email: tiffany.fitzpatrick@fortbendisd.com |
Fletcher, Megan | 13 | email: megfletcher4@gmail.com email: megan.fletcher@utexas.edu phone: 512 5731684 phone: 512 5731684 |
Foster, Connie | 7 10 | email: cfoster@nbschools.net phone: 903 2777150 phone: 903 6281908 phone: 903 6286551 |
Franklin, Beth | 10 11 12 13 | email: franklinbeth254@gmail.com email: franklinbeth254@gmail.com phone: 915 3099646 phone: 915 3099646 phone: 512 7523384 |
Galope, Erin | 6 7 8 10 11 12 | email: egalope1126@gmail.com email: elgalope@mabankisd.net phone: 817 7060444 |
Galope, Erin | 6 7 8 10 11 12 | email: egalope1126@gmail.com email: elgalope@mabankisd.net phone: 817 7060444 phone: 817 7060444 |
Gandhi, Tisa | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 | email: tisaugandhi@gmail.com phone: 254 7232544 |
Garanzuay, Lara | 13 | email: laragaranzuay@gmail.com phone: 830 7341610 |
Garcia, Mandy | 16 17 | email: mandyfrygarcia@gmail.com email: mandy.garcia@lubbockisd.org phone: 806 8314403 phone: 806 8314403 |
Garza, Alejandra | 1 2 3 13 20 | email: agarza.phd@gmail.com phone: 361 8133951 |
Gilchriest, LInda | Houston area | email: humbillgirl@hotmail.com email: humbillgirl@hotmail.com phone: 7991747 phone: 281 7991747 |
Gilchriest, Linda | 4 12 13 | email: humbillgirl@hotmail.com email: humbillgirl@hotmail.com phone: 281 7991747 |
Gilstrap, Virginia | 2 | email: vsg31@yahoo.com phone: 361 5766458 phone: 361 5766458 |
Glass, Sandy | 3 6 12 | email: sandym_16@yahoo.com email: sandym_16@yahoo.com phone: 512 2695787 phone: 512 2695787 |
Goldberg, Mary | 2 3 13 20 | email: gmarigold2000@yahoo.com phone: 210 845-940 |
Green, Stephen | 4 6 | email: stephengreenreporter@gmail.com email: smgreen@conroeisd.net phone: 409 9609907 |
Greig, Susan | 7 and 8 | email: sgreig@atlisd.net phone: 903 556-6179 |
Greisel, Camy | 1 13 20 | email: camygreisel@gmail.com email: camy.greisel@nisd.net phone: 210 6681911 |
Grinnell, Jordan | 4 7 8 9 11 12 13 | email: jordangrinnell71@gmail.comĀ email: jordan.grinnell@risd.org phone: 972 5233940 |
Grona, Karen | 12 13 15 20 | email: kagrona@beecreek.net email: kareng@fisd.org phone: 830 9929709 phone: 830 9977497 |
Guthrie, Maggie | 9 14 15 16 17 18 | email: maggieannguthrie@gmail.com email: mguthrie@bccoyotes.net phone: 806 7819264 phone: 806 7819264 phone: 806 7564313 |
Hale, Corey | 7 8 10 11 12 | email: chale63@gmail.com email: halec@lisd.net phone: 817 2237319 phone: 817 2237319 |
Hall, Roy | 20 | email: rahall4563@aol.com email: rahall4563@aol.com phone: 210 9129789 |
Hall, Brielle | 10 | email: brielle.y.hall@gmail.com email: hallb@friscoisd.org phone: 972 6581377 |
Harrison, Janet | 9 10 11 12 | email: janet-harrison@att.net email: jharrison@ems-isd.net phone: 214 4601073 phone: 817 2373314 |
Hartzell, Vicki | 3, 4 | email: vhartzell@fisdk12.ne phone: 281 813-4031 |
Haywood, Kristen | 9 10 11 12 | email: khaywood2@mesquiteisd.org email: khaywood215@gmail.com phone: 479 6406195 |
Helmberger, Debra | 10, 11 | email: debbie.helmberger@gmail.com email: dhelmberger@melissaisd.org phone: 972 762-4681 |
Helmberger, Debra | 8 10 11 | email: debbie.helmberger@gmail.com email: helmbergerd@friscoisd.org phone: 762 7624681 phone: 972 7624681 |
Higgins, Brian | 10 | email: brianhigginslhs@gmail.com phone: 972 672-0682 |
Higgins, Brian | 7 8 11 12 | email: higginsb@friscoisd.org email: higginsb@friscoisd.org phone: 672 6720682 |
Hill, Russell | 17 | email: plainsman74@suddenlink.net email: russell.hill@mortonisd.net phone: 806 4015698 phone: 806 7926258 phone: 806 2665505 |
Horn, Daniel | 3 4 6 10 11 12 13 | email: dhorn@aggienetwork.com phone: 817 6761077 |
Hughitt, Emily | 12 13 14 18 20 | email: emilyannhughitt@gmail.com phone: 325 3304785 phone: 325 8852475 |
Iles, Angela | 4 5 6 7 | email: adi_iles@yahoo.com email: angela.iles@hemphillisd.net phone: 936 7879932 |
Ingram, Leanne | 11 12 13 14 15 | email: leanneco@outlook.com email: lingram@comancheisd.net phone: 254 7346360 |
Irvin, Tatum | 16 | email: tatum.irvin@gmail.com email: tatum.irvin@region16.net phone: 806 3959957 |
Jacobs, Shonnalee | 4 5 6 7 | email: jacobsshonnalee@gmail.com email: sjacobs@woccisd.net phone: 409 9884113 |
Jacobs, Alayna | 4 5 6 7 | email: alaynajacobs07@gmail.com email: alja@woccisd.net phone: 409 9205400 |
Jacobs, Shonnalee | 3 4 5 6 7 12 | email: sjacobs@woccisd.net email: jacobsshonnalee@gmail.com phone: 409 9884113 |
Jacobs, Alayna | 4 5 6 7 | email: alaynajacobs07@gmail.com phone: 409 9205400 |
Jaramillo, Rebecca | 6 7 | email: becca9892@gmail.com email: rjaramillo@nacisd.org phone: 936 2408068 phone: 936 2054627 phone: 936 5642466 |
Johnston, Allison | 9 14 16 17 | email: allisonj1960@hotmail.com email: ajohnsto@frionaisd.com phone: 806 2201610 phone: 806 2505870 phone: 806 2503951 |
Jones, Deidre | 11 | email: dbelljones@yahoo.com email: dbjones@tvcc.edu phone: 972 7654219 phone: 972 3577926 phone: 903 6756397 |
Jones, Deidre | 9 11 | email: Dbelljones74@gmail.com email: Dbelljones@yahoo.com phone: 972 7654219 |
Jones, Jesse | 11 12 15 | email: Jessejones2752@gmail.com phone: 325 2031327 |
Jones, Marie | 9 10 11 12 | email: Marie.jones0510@yahoo.com email: Retired phone: 817 2918823 |
Jones, Marie | 10 11 12 14 | email: marie.jones0510@yahoo.com email: marie.jones0510@yahoo.com phone: 817 2918823 |
Juntunen, Kelly | 10 11 12 | email: kellymcoleman@gmail.com email: kelly_juntunen@allenisd.org phone: 254 7441437 phone: 972 7270400 |
Justin, Raga | 13 | email: ragaj98@gmail.com phone: 903 7014970 |
Kammer, Caitlin | 13 15 20 | email: ctln2984@gmail.com phone: 210 6632158 phone: 210 6632158 |
Kelley, Lauren | 2 3 12 13 15 20 | email: laurenkelley@utexas.edu email: lkelley@uiltexas.org phone: 830 2999308 phone: 830 2999308 |
Kelly, Bill | 9, 17, 14, 16 | email: lhornbk@gmail.com email: bill.kelly@dalhartisd.org phone: 806 2023453 phone: 806 2447324 |
Keyser-Fanick, Christine | 13, 20 | email: christine.keyser-fanick@nisd.net phone: 210 332-7552 phone: 210 397-6450 (ext 3111) |
Kidder, Rachel | 10 11 12 | email: rachel.kidder62@gmail.com email: rachel_kidder@misd.gs phone: 214 5146605 |
Kitchens, Karon | 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 | email: kkitchens@hico-isd.net email: kkitchens@hico-isd.net phone: 254 4852643 phone: 254 4852643 |
Kline, Laura | 10, 11 | email: KlineL@friscoisd.org |
Klosterboer, Jennifer | 4 5 6 | email: jenckloster@gmail.com email: jennifer.klosterboer@humbleisd.net phone: 409 7907801 phone: 40 7907801 |
Kreder, Lori | 6 10 11 12 13 15 | email: Lkreder7@gmail.com phone: 254 7449995 phone: 254 744-9995 |
Krum, Marilyn | 13 | email: marilyn.krum@gmail.com phone: 830 8572067 |
Kubicek, Sharon | 13 | email: sharon_kubicek@roundrockisd.org phone: 512 663-6034 |
Landa, Emily | 1 | email: emilylanda511@utrgv.edu email: emily.landa01@utrgv.edu phone: 956 2229979 |
Landa, Emily | 1 | email: emilylanda511@gmail.com email: emily.landa01@utrgv.edu phone: 222 2229979 |
Landry, Kaycie | 4 5 6 | email: kaycie0711@gmail.com phone: 409 3132807 |
Larsen, Ed | 3 4 6 | email: edlarsen5@yahoo.com email: edwardlarsen@katyisd.org phone: 281 7943412 phone: 281 7943412 phone: 281 2375054 |
Larsen, Ed | 3 4 6 | email: edwardlarsen@katyisd.org email: edwardlarsen@katyisd.org phone: 281 7943412 phone: 281 2375054 |
Lee, Mary Beth | 9, 11, 14 | email: marybeth@marybethlee.com email: mlee@wfisd.net phone: 940 232-1589 |
Lee, Michelle | 9 10 11 12 | email: michellelee247365@gmail.com email: mlee@aubreyisd.net phone: 940 2068257 phone: 940 2068257 phone: 940 6683900 |
LEWIS, LINDER | 4 | email: linder915@aol.com email: linder915@aol.com phone: 713 3019109 |
Limon, Ariana | 1 | email: arianalimon1999@gmail.com phone: 956 3787873 |
Long, Steven | 14 16 17 | email: stevelong13@suddenlink.net phone: 806 7298741 phone: 806 2938740 phone: 806 2911084 |
Lozano, J. Aaron | 1 | email: Jorge.Lozano@psjaisd.us phone: 956 605-4377 |
Luttmer, Elizabeth | 10 11 | email: lizluttmer@gmail.com email: elizabeth.luttmer@sangerisd.net phone: 940 2314033 |
Lynch, Kim | 3 4 5 6 12 13 | email: Kimlynchtexas@gmail.com email: Txphototeacher@aol.com phone: 713 2541262 phone: 713 2541262 |
Maciel, Kathie | email: kathie.maciel@fairfieldisd.org email: kathie.maciel@fairfieldisd.org phone: 903 4677459 phone: 903 4677459 phone: 903 3894177 | |
Macon, Kirk | 15 17 18 19 | email: donkirkmacon@aol.com email: dmacon@sisd.net phone: 915 3839770 |
Malick, Stephan | 4 5 6 7 | email: stephanpm@yahoo.com email: smalick@lamar.edu phone: 409 6738087 phone: 409 6738087 phone: 409 8808102 |
Marafioto, Brenda | 2 3 13 | email: bmarafioto@gmail.com email: bmarafioto@fshisd.net phone: 210 2882338 phone: 210 2882338 |
Martin, Kelsey | 1 2 | email: Kever1221@aol.com email: Kelsey.Martin@mcallenisd.net phone: 956 648-419 phone: 956 632-524 |
Martin, Kelsey | 1 | email: Kever1221@aol.com email: Kelsey.Martin@mcallenisd.net phone: 956 6484190 phone: 956 6325240 |
Martinez, Brian | 4 | email: bmartinez74@gmail.com phone: 832 483-3095 |
Martinez, Joe | 1 | email: martinezjoe@hotmail.com email: joe.martinez02@utrgv.edu phone: 956 7890702 |
Mason, Sarah | 4 6 11 12 13 14 15 20 | email: txtechteach@gmail.com email: smason@comancheisd.net phone: 325 2141984 phone: 325 2141984 |
Matula, Bridgette | 2 3 13 | email: b_matula@hotmail.com phone: 830 2215842 |
Matula, Kevin | 1 2 3 13 20 | email: matula.kevin@gmail.com email: matula.kevin@gmail.com phone: 830 2990154 |
McGee, Alisha | 7 | email: amcgee@hendersonisd.org phone: 903 658-3012 |
McMinn, JoAnn | email: mcminnj@sbcglobal.net phone: 832 5955322 phone: 281 2323617 | |
McMinn, JoAnn | 4 | email: mcminnj@sbcglobal.net phone: 832 595-532 phone: 281 232-361 |
Meachen, Emily | 4 5 6 7 | email: emeachen@yahoo.com email: emeachen@willisisd.org phone: 936 7772194 phone: 936 8568353 phone: 936 8561258 |
Millar, DiAngelea | 10 11 | email: angie.millar7@gmail.com email: millard@esdallas.org phone: 512 9715661 |
Mitchell, Toni | 10 11 12 | email: toniamitchell82@gmail.com email: mitchellt@friscoisd.org phone: 469 8557216 phone: 469 6335500 |
Mitchell, Stephanie | 9 17 | email: smischa@sbcglobal.net email: stephanie.mitchell@amaisd.org phone: 817 6584112 phone: 817 6584112 phone: 806 3263253 |
Molina, Natalia | 13 | email: nmc9295@gmail.com email: nmc9295@gmail.com phone: 832 8016775 |
Morrow, Neda | 6 7 8 10 12 | email: morrownl@lisdeagles.net email: morrownl@lisdeagles.net phone: 903 6810836 phone: 903 8814075 |
Moulden, Sarah | 10 11 12 14 | email: mouldensarah@gmail.com email: mouldensarah@gmail.com phone: 933 7671 |
Murfee, Marilyn J | 9 10 11 14 15 16 17 18 20 | email: marimurf@aol.com phone: 806 5439948 phone: 806 7944253 |
Myers, Julie | 13 | email: juliereagon@sbcglobal.net email: julie.myers@mvisd.com phone: 210 4642539 phone: 210 4642539 |
Neal, Christopher | 1 2 3 10 13 | email: crneal@ymail.com phone: 940 8398841 |
Neal , Landry | 3 10 11 12 13 | email: landryneal@utexas.edu phone: 903 5051799 |
Negri , Andrea | 4 | email: negriam@mac.com email: andrea.negri@aliefisd.net phone: 832 465-9151 |
Nelson, Rachel | 7 8 10 | email: rknelson15@gmail.com email: rknelson@honeygroveisd.net phone: 903 2271983 phone: 903 2271983 phone: 903 3782264 |
Nelson, Rachel | 8 10 11 12 | email: rknelson15@gmail.com email: rachelnelson@melissaisd.org phone: 903 2271983 phone: 903 2271983 phone: 972 8372411 |
Nichols, Julie | 2 11 20 | email: juleshemby26@gmail.com phone: 830 583-6275 |
Oglesbee, Lori | 10 11 12 | email: lao4@me.com email: laoglesbee@prosper-isd.net phone: 972 6580542 phone: 469 2192180 |
Page, Shannon | 7 | email: spage@hetbu.edu email: spage@etbu.edu phone: 903 2350522 |
Page, Shannon | 7 | email: spage@hisd.com email: spage@hisd.com phone: 903 2350522 phone: 903 6685990 |
Palmer, Kyler | 3 4 6 7 12 13 | email: Kylerpalmer1@gmail.com phone: 979 985-4579 |
Parks, Phil | 14 15 16 17 18 19 | email: Philparks@live.com phone: 575 &081945 phone: 575 8081945 |
Pauley, Ashley | 12 13 | email: ashleypauley36@gmail.com email: apauley@rogersisd.org phone: 5340082 phone: 254 5340082 |
Peirce, Christine | 3 4 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 | email: christineannepc@gmail.com email: christineannepc@gmail.com phone: 713 5917607 phone: 713 5917607 phone: 817 6319230 |
Peirce Coleman, Christine | 11 | email: christineannepc@gmail.com |
Phillips, Blair | 11 12 13 14 15 | email: blair.phillips13@yahoo.com phone: 325 4398642 |
Plumley, Rebecca | 13 | email: rebecca_plumley@roundrockisd.org phone: 512 375-8846 |
Plumley, Rachel | 3 6 12 15 20 | email: rachelmplumley@gmail.com email: rachel.plumley@elginisd.net phone: 512 8721213 phone: 512 2813382 |
Pollard, Rebecca | 10, 11, 3, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13 | email: reachrebeccapollard@gmail.com phone: 972 523-0384 |
Powell, Gene | 14 15 17 18 | email: gppowelljr@hotmail.com phone: 432 7700065 phone: 432 7700065 phone: 432 4984746 |
Powers, Carli | 9 11 12 15 17 | email: cpowers@angelo.edu phone: 325 3703119 |
Pritchett, Sydney | 7 | email: spritchett2006@gmail.com phone: 903 2410310 |
Proctor, Theresa | 12 13 | email: tproct@me.com email: theresa_proctor@roundrockisd.org phone: 512 4236591 phone: 512 4236591 phone: 512 4646405 |
Psencik, Katey | 13 | email: klpsencik@gmail.com email: kpsencik@statesman.com phone: 512 6296095 |
Pulliam, Mary | 7 11 12 | email: del.pulliam@sbcglobal.net phone: 214 478-1038 phone: 469 272-0930 |
Pybus, Kenneth | 14 | email: Kenneth.pybus@acu.edu phone: 325 5148813 |
Quick, Jayme | 7, 8, 10 | email: JaymeLQuick@gmail.com email: JaymeLQuick@gmail.com phone: 903 754-3894 |
Rasure, Michelle | 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 | email: michellelee247365@gmail.com email: mrasure@aubreyisd.net phone: 940 2068257 phone: 940 6653900 |
Reece, Vera | 5 6 7 8 | email: reece6315@yahoo.com email: vreece@elkhartisd.org phone: 903 5707382 phone: 903 8496315 phone: 903 7645161 |
Reece, Vera | 6 7 8 | email: reece6315@yahoo.com email: Vreece@elkhartisd.org phone: 903 5707382 phone: 903 5707382 phone: 903 7645161 |
Reece, Vera | 5 6 7 8 | email: reece6315@yahoo.com email: vreece@elkhartisd.org phone: 903 5707382 phone: 903 5707382 phone: 903 7645161 |
Reeves, Michael | 3 6 12 13 15 20 | email: ekister101@hotmail.com email: mreeves1@austinisd.org phone: 512 4843992 phone: 512 8414184 |
Reynolds, Rachel | 1 2 20 | email: rachel.reynolds@donnaisd.net email: rachel.reynolds@donnaisd.net phone: 919 2738844 phone: 919 2738844 phone: 919 2738844 |
Richards, Barbara | 3 4 6 | email: Barbara.Richards57@gmail.com email: richardsb@needvilleisd.com phone: 832 6517926 phone: 832 6517926 phone: 979 7934158 |
Richards , Barbara | 4 | email: barbara.richards57@gmail.com email: richardsb@needvilleisd.com phone: 832 6517926 phone: 979 7934158 |
Riemer, Kari | 13 | email: kari.riemer@pfisd.net phone: 512 565-4705 |
Robinson, Bridget | 3 | email: bschimar@gmail.com email: brobinson@ccisd.net phone: 281 7727164 |
Robles, Stacie Decker | 14 15 16 17 18 | email: stacie.decker@dcisd.org phone: 806 2151315 phone: 806 5923851 phone: 806 5925974 |
Rogers, Jacob | 4 | email: jcblrogers@gmail.com email: jarogers@pasadenaisd.org phone: 832 9228010 |
Romero Paramo, Karla | 10 11 12 | email: kromeroparamo@gmail.com email: romeroparak@friscoisd.org phone: 469 3589981 |
Roskens, Lisa | 10 16 | email: lisa.roskens@gmail.com email: ljroskens@prosper-isd.net phone: 806 223-928 |
Ryan, Janis | 4 5 6 13 | email: jandryan@gmail.com phone: 409 5436767 phone: 409 5436767 |
RYAN, JANIS | 4 5 6 13 | email: jandryan@gmail.com email: jandryan@gmail.com phone: 409 5436767 |
Schweers, Lisa | 2 3 13 20 | email: LisaSchweers@yahoo.com phone: 210 2874962 |
Seidel, Kristi | 3 4 6 13 | email: kseidel86@gmail.com email: kseidel@splendoraisd.org phone: 512 5388890 |
Short, Stacy | 10 11 12 14 | email: stacykayshort@hotmail.com email: sshort@argyleisd.com phone: 940 2301830 phone: 940 4640901 phone: 940 2301830 |
Shubert, Ricky | 17 18 | email: shubert.ricky@yahoo.com phone: 432 2302316 |
Simpson, Janet | 3 4 5 | email: simpsonjlb@yahoo.com email: jsimpson@bhisd.net phone: 361 5371699 phone: 361 5371699 phone: 281 576-222 |
Singleton, Martha | 2 3 13 20 | email: marthasingleton210@gmail.com phone: 210 2865044 |
Slatton, Brenda | 3, 20 | email: jefnbreslat@msn.co email: bslatt@neisd.net phone: 210 422-6767 |
Smith, Laura | 6 12 13 | email: lauralysmith@gmail.com |
Smith, Kent | 10 11 | email: kentsmithtx@yahoo.com email: kentsmith@celinaisd.com phone: 972 4398749 |
Smith, Pam | 2 3 13 20 | phone: 210 4166664 |
Smith, Sarah | 3 4 12 13 | email: mrs.kaydencesmith@gmail.com phone: 832 5607063 phone: 832 5607063 |
Smith, Krista | 4 5 | email: kristasmith09@gmail.com phone: 409 3132300 phone: 409 3132300 |
Smith, Katie | 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 | email: katie.21789@yahoo.com phone: 936 4889773 phone: 936 2880969 |
Smith, Cynthia | 3 5 6 13 | email: cynthiasmith37@gmail.com email: cynthiasmith37@gmail.com phone: 832 5675735 |
SMITH, CYNTHIA | 3 4 5 6 13 | email: cynthiasmith37@gmail.com email: cynthiasmith37@gmail.com phone: 832 5675735 |
Smith , Kimber | 6 7 | email: Scarletlink@yahoo.com email: Smithk@ugisd.org phone: 903 6461077 |
Sparks, Mauri | 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 20 | email: maurisparks@gmail.com phone: 903 8247548 |
Stephens, Leesa | 13, 15, 18 | email: leesa.stephens@verizon.net email: leesa.stephens@bangsisd.net phone: 325 642-2033 |
Stephens, Christopher | 10, 11, 12 | email: cstep_20@yahoo.com email: cstephens@garlandisd.net phone: 432 9675335 |
Strahan, Christy | 9 10 11 12 | email: christinawardstrahan@gmail.com email: christy.strahan@risd.org phone: 254 6316084 phone: 254 6316084 |
Stuessy, Nicole | 13 | email: nicolestuessy@gmail.com email: nicolestuessy@gmail.com phone: 843 8435830 |
Syblik, Rachel | 10 | email: rsyblik@yahoo.com email: rsyblik@mesquiteisd.org phone: 214 8027867 phone: 972 3577480 phone: 972 8827800 |
Tang, Lisa | 6 7 10 11 12 | email: lisatang2011@gmail.com email: ldtang@westwoodisd.net phone: 903 7142409 phone: 903 7142409 phone: 903 7239315 |
Taylor, Jolene | 13 15 17 18 | email: Jolene.taylor@ymail.com email: Jtaylor@plainsisd.net phone: 806 2153230 phone: 806 2153230 phone: 806 4567498 |
Tedder, Mikyela | 13 | email: mikyela.tedder@wimberleyisd.net phone: 903 316-5479 |
Tedder, Mikyela | 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 15 20 | email: mlatedder@sbcglobal.net email: mikyela.tedder@leanderisd.org phone: 903 3165479 phone: 903 3165479 |
Tinnell, Jeffrey | 17 18 | email: tinnelljeff@gmail.com phone: 432 9405515 phone: 432 9405515 |
Tinnell, Jeff | 9 14 16 17 18 19 | email: Tinnelljeff@gmail.com phone: 432 9405515 |
Toliver, Cynthia | 4 | email: c_d_toliver@yahoo.com email: ctoliver@staffordmsd.org phone: 409 2391822 phone: 409 2391822 phone: 281 2619239 |
Valdez, Alexandra | 13 15 20 | email: alexa_sig@hotmail.com email: avaldez@comstockisd.net phone: 830 7193864 phone: 432 2924444 |
Valdez, Alejandra | 13 15 20 | email: sigmagirlally@gmail.com email: alejandra.valdez@devineisd.org phone: 830 7193864 phone: 830 7193864 phone: 830 8510851 |
Valdez, Alejandra | 3 13 15 20 | email: Sigmagirlally@gmail.com email: alejandra.valdez@devineisd.org phone: 830 719-386 phone: 830 851-085 |
Valdez, Alejandra | 3 12 13 15 20 | email: sigmagirlally@gmail.com email: alejandra.valdez@devineisd.org phone: 830 7193864 phone: 830 7193864 phone: 830 8510851 |
Van Horn, Ashley | 2 6 12 13 | email: ashleypauley36@gmail.com email: apauley@rogersisd.org phone: 254 5340082 phone: 254 5340082 phone: 254 6423802 |
Vela, Erika | 1 2 3 13 | email: eavela26@gmail.com email: erika.vela@ideaentity.com phone: 210 992-235 |
Vining, Melissa | 7 | email: melissa.vining@bullardisd.net phone: 903 258-5996 |
Webber, Mark | 2 3 13 15 20 | email: markewebber1@gmail.com phone: 956 3373468 |
Weiss, Charis | 10 11 | email: charisw@sbcglobal.net email: charisweiss@hebisd.edu phone: 817 3604270 phone: 817 2822551 |
West, Karen | 7 8 | email: karenwest1019@gmail.com email: westk@woisd.net phone: 903 2035010 |
Whitaker, Hilary | 6 | email: hdwhitaker@tamu.edu phone: 956 6051522 |
Windham, Claire | 2 3 4 5 6 7 13 | email: mcwindham@hotmail.com email: clairew@shelbyville.k12.tx.us phone: 936 4277879 phone: 936 5987323 |
Yanez, Cecil | 2 3 12 13 15 19 20 | email: cecilyanez@icloud.com phone: 915 3153090 |